Wednesday 7 May 2014

Psychic Readings

The Vast And Magnificent World Of Psychic Readings :

The Psychic Readings have become very much popular as these help an individual to get prepared as per the future predicted. The people providing such predictions are believed to be blessed with some spiritual powers.

Every individual dreams of having a successful future and also be prepared for misfortune, if any. You can say that the popularity of Psychic Readings is the outcome of the fear or interest of the individual to make one’s life and future better. The mystical technique to predict the future has inclined the individuals to search for Psychic, who would tell them about the fortune coming and guide in case of misfortune in the near future. They are considered as the people of God or people gifted with special powers. The traces of Psychic Readings could be found in European Culture, African Culture, Chinese Culture, Egyptian Culture or Indian Culture.

Psychic Reading is a very broad term to discuss. It encompasses various types of readings like Coffee Cup Readings, Photo Readings, Item Readings, Dream interpretations, House/Group Readings, Pamper Parties, and Candle Wax Readings. There are various professionals in every respective domain. Below mentioned are some of the briefs of the popular Psychic Readings:

Coffee Cup Readings
Coffee Cup Reading is the part of Tasseography, popularly known as Tasseomancy or Tassology. In this kind of reading, the patterns made by the coffee grounds depict the future and fortune of the individual. Below given are some of the patterns and the associated meaning.

Pattern and the respective Meaning:

  • Apple: Achieving Knowledge, Completing School, Getting Diploma
  • Candle: Enlightenment
  • Flying Birds: Good News
  • Dog: Loyal Friend or Relative
  • Cat: A Deceitful Friend or Relative
  • Kite: Wishes Will Come True
  • Raven: Death or Bad News

Photo Readings
The Photo Reading is the very interesting type of Psychic Reading. This reading is generally to tell about the relationship. With this reading, you can get guidance about the type of relationship you share and will be sharing. This relationship could be any like with family member, colleague, partner, etc. Getting to know about the relationship through a mere photograph is something really fascinating.

Item Readings
Not only your hand, photo, coffee grounds, etc., tell about the future, any item having importance in your life can also tell lots of secrets about you. Even you lucky charm could reveal lot of secrets regarding your future. For this kind of reading, you need to search for the expert and check their testimonials and experience in the respective Psychic Reading.

Dream Interpretations
Every dream has a particular meaning and the dream could correctly be interpreted with a special Psychic Reading, known as Dream Interpretation. There are experts, who are well-reputed for their capability to interpret the dream and tell the possibilities of the future. This may seem to be unrealistic, but the elements seen in the dream have a hidden meaning, and to reveal the same, consultancy from experts is required.

House/Group Readings
Making the Psychic Reading more mystical, there is a study called House/Group Reading that helps in interpreting the message of your House/Group. Even the House/Group can tell you lot of things regarding your future.

Pamper Parties
These days, these pamper parties are very much in trend. These parties include maximum 8 people. This group comes together for Meditation Healing, Psychic Readings, etc. The pamper parties are also considered important when it comes to interpret future using different element.

Candle Wax Readings
Ceromancy is commonly known as Candle Wax Reading. This type of reading is associated with the way of wax melting. Moreover, the colour of the wax chosen is also one of the important factors that help in providing accurate prediction. Some of the wax colour association facts are given below.

Wax Colour and its Association: 
· Red: Love and Relationships.
· Green: Love Prosperity, Career, or Jobs.
· Yellow: School, Study, Creativity, and Mental Pursuits.
· Light Blue: Health and Recovery from Illness.
· Violet: Spiritual Growth.
· Pink: Friendships, Children and Pets.
· Orange: Changes and Possible Moves.
· White: General Life Patterns.

For more Information about Psychic Readings, Psychic Readings, Coffee Cup Readings, Photo Readings, Item Readings, Dream interpretations, House/Group Readings, Pamper Parties, Candle Wax Readings visit our website at:

Contact Details:

Marina Dee
Telephone: +61 421160346
Skype ID: marinadee3

Dream Interpretation

Dreams Are The Merely Way To Know The Secrets Of The Soul

Dream somewhere directly or indirectly unveil the state of mind or present situation of the dreamer. Thus, the dreams are considered as the golden key to reveal the hidden secrets of any soul.
To learn about the secret laying behind the dreams, one should know the basics. One will find numerous sources to get guidance regarding interpretation of ant dream. But, herein you will find some of the common types of dreams and their potential meaning. Interpretation dream may vary after the complete dream, but when talking about the baseline, some of the factors in the imagining may possibly refer to the same meaning. Strong grip on the basics of the dream interpretation can possibly help the interpreter to get the key secrets of the soul. Teeth, flying, and bare dreams are some of the very common delusion, and their interpretation may vary as per the later part of the dream.
Teeth Dreams:
Teeth ideas are one of the most common dream and in often recurring in nature. People vision falling or crumbling of teeth that could be a distressing experience. But the question is to reveal its meaning or message. This does not signify sole meaning as there is no hard and fast guideline for the dream interpretation. According to different professionals, these desires mean different, two of the meanings are as stated below:
1. Unhappiness with personal appearance or regarding the preferences of other people.
2. Fear of embarrassment because of being anxious about something.

Flying Dreams:
Lucid Dreams is the other name for Flying imaginings as these are one of the enjoyable dreams combined with an awesome experience. This is so because you know you are dreaming but still remain in the unconscious state. Some of the common meanings interpreted by these types of dreams are:
1. Ability to cope up with the stressing situations presently going through.
2. Good feeling of gaining a new point of view on something

Bare Dreams:
Bare Dreams are not common but leave an impact on a lot of people. These types of people vision that they are in their respective workplaces or streets they visit daily and suddenly realize that they are bare. These can disturb the individual and interpret the following:
1. Vulnerable feeling or ashamed of something they have done
2. Fear of being caught out unexpectedly

As per the survey, there are also some other common types that have different interpretations as per the different features of the daydream. People are reported to see the fantasy of Spiders, Falling, Death/Dying, Water, Being Cheated On, Being Late, Hot and Steamy ideas, Being Shot, Driving an Out-of-Control Vehicle, Can’t Make a Phone Call, Can’t Find the Bathroom, Being Chased, Being Frustrated, Being Pregnant/Giving Birth, Being Lost, Being Back at School, Snakes, Being Unprepared to Perform, Sex-mares, Being Exposed on the Toilet, Celebrities, Being Paralyzed, etc.

The above mentioned examples are enough to clear the fact that for interpretation of any dream, the interpreter should be clear on the basics. There is no hard and fast rule to interpret any dream, it depends upon the vision and features of the ideas. Therefore, it becomes the duty of the interpreter to listen the entire dream, mark out the features and provide possible interpretation, along with unveiling the secrets of the soul.

Contact Details:
Marina Dee
Telephone: +61 421160346 
Skype ID: marinadee3

Coffee Cup Reading

Taste And Future, All In A Cup Of Coffee 

A cup of coffee and secrets of the future is the best combination that one would want to have at the time of relaxing. Coffee Cup Reading is all that predicts what is stored for you in future.

Is Turkish Coffee only loved for rich taste, smooth texture and aroma? Your last sip of coffee can unveil your future. Yes!, your experience of having a Turkish coffee does not end at its taste, texture and aroma, but the patterns formed in the cup with the brewed coffee are used for reading the future and hence is popularly known as Coffee Cup Reading. The connection of coffee with future interpretation may sound strange, but it is worldwide famous as tasseomancy, tasseography, or tassology.

 Here is the simple secret of Coffee cup reading revealed that will add a continued adventure with the last sip. Follow these simple steps and get your future predictions done, all with a smooth taste and aroma of Turkish Coffee.
1.The coffee should be drunk by the one whose future has to be interpreted. In a relaxed mood, one should enjoy the coffee and experience the refreshing taste and aroma. As Turkish coffee is best known for complete pleasure, it is advised to be drunk slowly. For better and clear interpretations, keep in mind, you use the one particular side of the cup for drinking.

2.With the last sip, place the saucer in the cup of coffee and make a wish. Traditionally, the person is supposed to say “Let my fortune match my state!” With the saucer still on the cup, the cup is raised to the level of the chest and is rotated in a clockwise direction a couple of times. Then, the cup is turned upside down with the saucer and one has to wait for the cooling of the cup. Some practitioners also place coin on the top of the cup to cool the cup faster and also to dispel bad omens.

3.Gently remove the saucer and look into the cup. The practitioners and the fortune tellers make use of the symbols made with the coffee ground in the cup. The reading starts from the handle and with imaginary horizontal and vertical line, the cup is divided into four areas.
4.The symbols that fall on the right hand side of the imaginary vertical line, are considered to be positive or indicating good fortune. The one on the left hand side of the vertical line are considered negative. The symbols that stay over the horizontal line are supposed to happen in a short time and alternatively, the one falling below the horizontal line are to be accomplished in the long-run.
5.The color of the coffee grounds also reveals the duration of the accomplishment of the wish. The light color signifies granting of the wish easily, while the dark color says, it might require you to put in efforts to make your wish come true.

The predictions for the same cup may vary from one fortune teller to the other, but the baseline will remain the same. According to a Turkish proverb it is said that you might not believe in fortune telling, but should not disregard it, either. Enjoy your coffee and unveil your future!

Marina Dee
Telephone: +61 421160346 
Skype ID: marinadee3